computer help

hours & location

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:30pm
Sat-Sun: 9:00am-6:30pm
Call/Text: 604-728-2325


No.3 and Steveston Hwy (TEKNICIAN)

BrD Teknician Solutions Ltd.
100-7831 Steveston Hwy
Richmond BC V7A 1L9

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service & cities

Mobile Computer Service
Richmond, Vancouver, Burnaby, New West, Surrey, Ladner, Tsawwassen.

In-Store Computer Service
As long as you're willing to come or ship to us we accept work from everywhere in Canada.

Remote Computer Service
We cover the entire Canada remotely.

service & areas

Home Remote Computer Service
How do we manage the remote connection? Print E-mail

Fast P2P Performance

We directly communicate with remote computers via point-to-point functionality. The hands-off connection with your computer is done at industry-leading remote control speeds.

Dashboard View

We quickly analyze system health with a digest view of critical data about the computer including system info, event viewer, running processes, network traffic and scheduled tasks.

Computer Management

We can view and click to drill down and view interrelated files, services and processes for rapid issue resolution. The user manager, drivers, registry editor, event viewer and reboot features provide additional management tools.

File Transfer

We can transfer files between local and remotely accessed computers. All transfers are encrypted with industry-leading encryption so data is secure.


We can share files too large for email, thus eliminating the need to send large attachments. You click a secure link to download the file directly from our system.


Teknician Solutions will treat your data and information private and confidential. No information will be disclosed without your express consent.

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